(Screen Resolution 1280 X 800 Pixels) The last Updated: September 14, 2017.

(This Web site may be deleted at any time for those who are against the FREEDOM, the DEMOCRACY and the TRUTH, like has recently happened. We will try to keep it for as long time as we can. For this reason, we recommend to you that you save the information in your own computers which appears here and would interest it to you before it could be re-deleted, and if you could share it, best for everyone, best for you, for your loved ones and especially best for the JUSTICE, the FREEDOM and The TRUTH)

(new) Pythagoras, Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein among many other outstanding minds throughout the course of history, them was agree that to EAT ANIMALS would be the RUIN of HUMANITY and the PLANET: http://www.fiapbt.net/pythagoras.html


-  NICAEA COUNCIL I, the last days of the bigest SWINDLE in all the history of mankind: http://www.iadcro.com/nicaea.html -- http://www.iadcro.com/nicea.html


-  The cruel GENOCIDE that are doing the FALSE JEWS Israel leaders (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG) against the PALESTINE citizens and to the citizens around the world doing believe them that this is a CRISIS when in fact it is their global SWINDLE, also with the FEDERAL RESERVE, with the FALSE FLAGS and with his NEW WORLD ORDER, etc., all this is the CRUX of the International MATTER: http://www.iadcro.com/nicea.html -- http://www.iadcro.com/STOPBILDERBERG.html -- http://www.iadcro.com/Jesuschrist.html



  In SPANISH version: http://www.iadcro.com/EBOLAXPETROLEO.html


NICAEA COUNCIL I, the last days of the bigest SWINDLE in all the history of mankind.

In nowadays of the year 2015, incredibly the harmful decrees taken in this NICAEA COUNCIL I in 325 AD., which were the fruit of the FALSEHOOD and the LIE, even KEEPING because the current PHARISEES FALSE JEWS Zionist AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG (The ROTHSCHILD, the ROCKEFELLER, the MORGAN, the MOSES, etc.) with even more intensity than when it was created by order of the roman emperor CONSTANTINE I. It's not a crisis, it is a SWINDLE!!!  http://www.iadcro.com/nicaea.html -- http://www.iadcro.com/nicea.html

This information Report has been sent on May 22, 2015 from IADCRO and FIAPBT to Pope Francis at the Vatican, to the different bishoprics, the government institutions, all political parties, to INDIGNANTS platforms social networks, researchers and intellectuals of all kinds and thousands of national and international media, so in honour to the truth they all will have their timely knowledge, they contemplate and consider the way they see fit and their conscience dictates them. In Madrid, on May 22, 2015.


In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/271421886132/photos/a.451449941132.245086.271421886132/10153349774551133/?type=1&theater

NICAEA COUNCIL I - CONSTANTINE I, the bigest SWINDLE in all the history of mankindVIDEO: http://youtu.be/4IvYyGP7RUI

The cruel SWINDLE that made the PHARISEES FALSE JEWS from Israel carrying Jesus to the Cross, and the cruel SWINDLE still being made by their descendants in nowadays, which are the same PHARISEES FALSE JEWS Zionists AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG to the world citizens, making believing to them that this is a CRISIS, when the reality is that it is their global SWINDLE regarding their FEDERAL RESERVE, their FALSE FLAGS and especially anything related to their NEW WORLD ORDER with their PARTNERS or PUPPETS without CONSCIENCE (Obama, Merkel, Cameron, Rajoy, Hollande, Lagarde, NATO, the CIA, the WORLD BANK, IMF, EC, ECB, WHO, etc.) which them use to get it. Meanwhile them, the same current FALSE JEWS, stay in the shade watching and enjoying the consequences of their cruel deeds generated to humanity in different ways. http://www.iadcro.com/letter.html

The rest about NICAEA COUNCIL I you can see it in Internet translator, sorry; https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2Fnicea.html&edit-text  The original write about NICAEA COUNCIL I in Spanish is: http://www.iadcro.com/nicea.html Could anyone translate in english this story please? Contact: iadcro@iadcro.com Thank you in advance. WE ARE ALL ONE!!!

The English Web site about this subject when will done will be: http://www.iadcro.com/nicaea.html



The closest to the ISRAEL LEADERS, are many of the most important Club BILDERBERG fixed members (the ROTHSCHILD, the ROCKEFELLER, the MOSÉS, etc.), which HANDLED to his interest and benefit to his PUPPET without CONSCIENCE like are; OBAMA (USA), MERKEL (Germany), CAMERON (UK), HOLLANDE (FRANCE), RAJOY (SPAIN), etc., etc. The BILDERBERG subtly pull the strings of their PUPPETS from his different institutions, which in turn created to help them to get their evil, unjust and unworthy purposes against humanity, the mother nature and the planet itself. Some of these institutions are for example; The UN, NATO, WHO, the CIA, the FBI, the EU, INTERPOL, UNESCO, IMF, World Bank and its "branches" as the European Central Bank (ECB), National Banks, etc. http://www.iadcro.com/STOPBILDERBERG.html




Economic "Crisis" in the States? Is NOT a Crisis, is the biggest SWINDLE ever made to the US citizens, and to the citizens of any other country, since everything is linked and EVERYTHING IS RELATED TO EVERYTHING. The REAL Economic "Crisis" in the States, you can see and understand it in a very simple way at the following link: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/12/16/us-war (The US War against alleged terrorism, not about anything else, that war to countries that the FALSE JEWS Israel leaders (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG)  wish to destroy, in order to control and plunder without any kind of obstacles that stop them, developing brilliantly their NEW WORLD ORDER as DISASTROUS and CRUEL for the humanity and the planet)




             WE ARE ALL PALESTINE FREE!!! http://www.iadcro.com/STOPBILDERBERG.html


*JIMMY CARTER: STOP the ISRAEL APARTHEID against the PALESTINE people!!! http://youtu.be/lLb1sAL_TwQ


Further evidence of cruelty and insensitivity that own the FALSE JEWS Israel leaders (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG) against the HUMAN RIGHTS and Against HUMANITY itself:




*2 LETTERS very little known and very interesting from Albert Einstein, talking about the PALESTINE GENOCIDE: http://www.iadcro.com/einsteinletterspalestine.html


In November 1952, after the Weizmann death, the first "Israel State" president, Einstein received the offer to succeed him in office, bid on behalf of Prime Minister Ben Gurion transmitted by Abba Eban, then Israeli ambassador in United States, in a letter dated November 17. The next day, Einstein rejected the proposal to be "Israel State" president. On 21 November of the same month, Einstein revealed the reason to the Ma'ariv newspaper director why he rejected the proposal: 'I thought about the difficult situation could arise if the Government or Parliament will take decisions that it could create a conflict with my CONSCIENCE; as the fact that one can´t really influence the course of events does not relieve you of MORAL responsibility '. (Albert Einstein)


Albert Einstein. PALESTINE; It's not a war, it is a GENOCIDE!!! The PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE is such a perverse reality, like the silent complicity of the governments and their media, which manipulate and hide the evidence. At present, the entire world is happening the same that PALESTINE and by guilt of THE SAME CORRUPT GENOCIDALS BILDERBERG, belonging to the Jewish Masonic sect called "B'Nai B'rit". It is not a crisis ... It is their SWINDLE!!! http://www.henrymakow.com/lucifers_chosen_people.html




We must be aware of something important, is that after the suffering of the palestinian citizens for harassment and GENOCIDE suffering because of the FALSE JEWS (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG), are the honest and TRUE JEWS that after of the palestinian citizens, are suffering the CRUEL and UNJUST policy of the small elite of the BILDERBERG FALSE JEWS because all citizens with Jewish religion are being unfairly blamed them because of the evils which performed worldwide the 75 permanent members of the Club BILDERBERG, FALSE JEWS, who have fooled everyone through their STOOGES (Obama, Cameron, Merkel, Hollande, Rajoy, etc.) and thanks to his FALSE FLAGS to develop their nefarious NEW WORLD ORDER.


imagesRGPRJI7Z http://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/eye-on-zion/judaism-rejects-zionism/2013/06/25/ -- http://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/apr/18/invention-land-israel-shlomo-sand


In the picture we can see true Jews showing themself against the FALSE JEWS ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG, showing themself against of the illegitimate Israel state and showing themself favorable that to return of all Palestinian citizens to their MATERNAL and SOVEREIGN land, PALESTINE FREE. These manifestations of the true Jews, are being quite common around the world and seconded by hundreds of thousands of people joining the same demands.


We should not forget the mistakes of the past to try not to commit it in nowadays. Recall that HITLER through his NAZI "TERRORIST coalition", was a product created exclusively by the FALSE JEWS ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG (through its PUPPETS) in his day to get a great "justification" covered by FALSE FLAGS, to create ILLEGALLY the Israel state and to STEAL the Palestine land. Similarly, OSAMA BIN LADEN with his AL QAEDA "TERRORIST coalition", currently renamed ISLAMIC STATE, was a product created exclusively by FALSE JEWS ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG (through its PUPPETS) to get a great "justification" covered by FALSE FLAGS, to CONQUER and PLUNDER the natural resources of several SOVEREIGN countries, which were FREELY LEGITIMIZED by their citizens under by elected REFERENDUM. To say, that the AL QAEDA "TERRORIST coalition" or the ISLAMIC STATE, has nothing to do with the religion of Islam and its followers, like the NAZIS nothing to do with German citizens. Do not be fooled or confused you!!! Be yourself, decide for yourself!!!


The cruel GENOCIDE that are doing the FALSE JEWS Israel leaders (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG) against the PALESTINE citizens and to the citizens around the world doing believe them that this is a CRISIS when in fact it is their global SWINDLE, also with the FEDERAL RESERVE, with the FALSE FLAGS and with his NEW WORLD ORDER, etc., all this is the CRUX of the International MATTER, and you can see it below of the next link: http://www.iadcro.com/EASYANDQUICKUNDERSTANDING.html --  http://www.iadcro.com/STOPBILDERBERG.html -- http://www.iadcro.com/Jesuschrist.html




*OBAMA is the employee or the most important PUPPET that have to their disposal the FALSE JEWS (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG): http://www.fiapbt.net/king.html


(Inform to the readers that when contrasting information about the subject at hand, must have in mind the enormous pressure and manipulation exerted by wealthy, powerful and influential FALSE JEWS (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG) in the media and various institutions, so I recommend that when comparing information not be satisfied with the first that you find, is good doing numerous searches guided with the common sense, with judiciously, with your heart, with your intuition and with your own CONSCIENCE.)


               PALESTINE FREE - copia


EINSTEIN, MALCOM X, MANDELA and GHANDI, FROM UP THEY CONGRATULATE ALL US WITH A MERRY CHRISTMAS: https://www.facebook.com/271421886132/photos/a.451449941132.245086.271421886132/10152972057346133/?type=1&theater 



If you are agree with this information, pass it on around the world like wildfire to awaken minds. Do it with much LOVE by the FREEDOM and the TRUTH, do it for ALL the people around you, especially do it by yourself and your own CONSCIENCE!!! http://www.fiapbt.net/2013..html


SWEDEN becomes first EU country to recognize the PALESTINE State like a SOVEREIGN COUNTRY. CONGRATULATIONS SWEDEN!!! (Below)


2875842_Arafat_486554c_zpsca8be72d[1]The NOBEL PEACE Awards ARAFAT and MANDELA, as well as friends were also two extraordinary people with good intentions inside his heart, helping the neighbor and the needy people in distress.

Arafat the PALESTINIAN President, died in Paris due to radioactive polonium poisoning induced by the Israel leaders the November 11, 2004. By other way clarify, that the April 9, 1948, an ISRAELI organization detachment "IRGUN", led by Menachem Begin, invaded the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin and killed 254 Palestinian civilians including women and children. The horror of the event caused the exodus of tens of thousands of Palestinians and was born the "MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT" and more especially when the next month, specifically the May 14, 1948, the Jews proclaimed in ILLEGAL way themselves the State of Israel. SHAME!!!


Albert Einstein LETTER Nş 1, just to the next day of this slaughter from Deir Yassin, rejecting the Zionism and calling them "criminal and misleading people'': http://www.iadcro.com/einsteinletterspalestine.html


Albert Einstein LETTER Nş 2, also Hannah Arendt and other important personalities which while all Jews show their rejection and upset by the terrorist actions carried out by the Israeli government towards the Palestinians in a letter to the New York Times on December 2, 1948: http://www.iadcro.com/einsteinletterspalestine.html


The FALSE JEWS Israel leaders who have been in charge to the ISRAEL village in the course of its history till the nowadays, besides have been demostrated were FALSE and LIARS people, openly and publicly without any kind of modesty or shame declared monstrous and inhuman statements, which deeply damaged the ethics and morality of the VALUES of the person, the rights of Being human, the own HUMANITY and the Mother Nature, leaving the own HITLER beside them, like an apprentice of evil. Not surprisingly even in the JESUSCHRIST times, the own JESUSCHRIST talking with the FALSE JEWS, JESUSCHRIST declarated them in John 8:44 in the New Testament: "You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do." http://www.iadcro.com/Jesuschrist.html

We should be conscious, about what they would think and do this kind of "people" when they did not say openly and publicly this kind of words. The Jewish leaders be considered themself a superior race like Hitler. Those who are not Jews, the Jewish leaders see them like beasts or such much like cattle. Reflecting on the latter, we can come to find quite clear and precise answers because in nowadays, be can get to make so UNJUSTLY and CRUELLY a GENOCIDE like they are being made right now the ISRAEL leaders (BILDERBERG) on PALESTINIANS and most countries of the world, although the latter in a more makeup and subtly through their New World Order, pretending to citizens that it is a CRISIS when in fact is, THEIR SCAM!!! A public debt impossible to be paid in addition to being completely ILLEGITIMATE, which aims to impoverish the citizens for to convert them in slaves of the BILDERBERG system and on the other hand, STEAL the NATIONAL HERITAGE when the country are selling in small portions, to supposedly pay the ILLEGITIMATE DEBT, WHICH IS IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE ABLE TO GET PAY FOR BEING A HUGE SWINDLE.



10454295_1528451227372617_615420182071989803_n[2] - copiaPALESTINE HISTORY




“Shalom (Ex ShinBet chief) shocked viewers. He called Israeli occupation no different from Nazi occupied Europe.” – Quote

For to can understand some issues that occur in the present time, we must look at and understand the history of the past, and in this way to can understand in a more appropriate manner, how being able to build a decent future for all habitants of the planet Earth, including the animals and Mother Nature of course; https://www.facebook.com/271421886132/photos/a.271426446132.189098.271421886132/10151426970041133/?type=1&theater


Those world citizens, Jews citizens or Israel citizens, which are taken by self like good people, who are taken by SINCERE, who tell know the meaning in real life the words JUSTICE and FREEDOM, I ask them with much LOVE the next question directly to their CONSCIENCE:

What do you all think about the STEAL of PALESTINE land and about the Palestinians GENOCIDE that your leaders of Israel are doing, which were put in the power by your votes in elections????

The Conformist that turns a blind eye, allowing, consenting an INJUSTICE without doing anything to try to avoid it ... It is so guilty or more that who performs it!!!


In my opinion, the true God in one or other way as be displayed or named, is the opposite of violence. The true God is who is completely wrapped in everything about LOVE. The true God want and offers to us the humans, full FREEDOM to make our own DECISIONS in life, to experience the FREEDOM by ourselves and in this way to EVOLVE our "Self", our "Personality", our "Me" both for good and for bad, depending on our choices and the consequences thereof, thereby to EVOLVE until someday of the eternal life, we get come back home...


I do not believe in a God who sends go to steal the land from anyone, nor go to expel from their lands and nor go to kill anyone, as shown in chapters of the Pentateuch in the Christian Bible and the Torah. Even fewer that God will order to realize a human GENOCIDE like the Israel leaders are doing with the Palestinians in nowadays. All these circumstances, actually are to subtle chicanery of some humans but not by the true God. It rather corresponds to the tricks, the evil and the wickedness of some humans, to get their malicious purposes under a mediocre justification, which nobody with own judgment, common sense and a modicum of intelligence would come to believe it, unless that the human has handled since childhood as in the case of the Israel citizens.

I know that for hundreds of years, to the Israelis people educate (manipulated) since the childhood to be completely against the Palestinians, not even appreciate or even like human beings. Your, the Israeli citizens do not have to blame for the very poor upbringing of course not, but now you are adults people and aware of what is right and what is wrong, if you allow me, I ask you to stop a moment aside the teachings received from outside of your country System from Israel and you must concentrate in your "Self", in your "Personality" in your inner "Me", let yourself go and be guided by your intuition, for your CONSCIENCE for few minutes thinking about the answer to the question that I have you done previously on the basis of what is right and what is wrong ... The answer to the above question will be yours soon, coming it from the TRUTH and from the LOVE. From having your coming response within you and not what you instilled, you now have a great opportunity to DECIDE and to develop your inner "Me" and be yourself and not be the programmed puppets of nobody. You decide!!! 


To make this report I've adhered to common sense, honesty and be the more neutral than I have been able to expose my point of view to make this work with all my good intention. In honour to the truth and the right, I think we should not close our eyes to allow the evil and the injustice BE NORMALIZE within the society in which we live. Those who remain neutral on what is not CORRECT, they are on the side of what is not CORRECT.


I wish make clear that I do not come to this place to convince anyone, since I believe that to want to try to convince someone is not honest nor correct. I believe that to want to try convince anyone is equivalent to try to wanting to manipulate the thought of others, try to limit the freedom of the individual people to think and do what they wish and I believe that it is not correct. The right and ideal thing, is that everyone show their own judgment and make their own conclusions on any subject or matter that will come here and there and that DECIDE FREELY by their own truth and freedom.


After that, if we consider ourselves good people and with a minimum of DIGNITY, I think that we should make a deep reflection inside coming from the TRUTH and from our CONSCIENCE, to seek to provide in positive way according to RIGHT to our families, to our environment social and especially ourselves. In short, what is RIGHT do it and what not do not do it, it's very simple, we are not dumb to not know what is RIGHT and what is not. I believe that everyone create and runs their own destiny, based on their attitude and on the DECISIONS that is taking every day in their life. You decide!!!  ˇˇˇForce!!! I think that all your life you will remember this like the best decision you made in your life. ˇˇˇIf you want, you will can!!! Good luck.


Mariano Peinado – FIAPBTIADCRO

Professional Military of the Spanish Army between 1981 and 1985, with the graduation of Cape 1st Artillery.

P.S. For more diverse information that you need, you can acquire in:



-  The cruel GENOCIDE that are doing the FALSE JEWS Israel leaders (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG) against the PALESTINE citizens and to the citizens around the world doing believe them that this is a CRISIS when in fact it is their global SWINDLE, also with the FEDERAL RESERVE, with the FALSE FLAGS and with his NEW WORLD ORDER, etc., all this is the CRUX of the International MATTER, and you can see it below of the next link: http://www.iadcro.com/EASYANDQUICKUNDERSTANDING.html --  http://www.iadcro.com/STOPBILDERBERG.html -- http://www.iadcro.com/Jesuschrist.html




             images[2] - copia

The USA government in 2009 PATENTED a variant of Ebola manipulating these viruses to become a biological weapon: http://www.google.com/patents/US20120251502 And for what? and for what purpose?


OBAMA is the most important International PUPPET available by the Club BILDERBERG fixed members: http://www.fiapbt.net/king.html


The 5 Biggest Lies About Ebola Being Pushed by Government: http://www.iadcro.com/5liesebola.html 


                          Copia de - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AVISO EN INGLES


@ The GREATEST SWINDLE EVER MADE ALONG THE HUMANITY HISTORY. THE FEDERAL RESERVE. By Stephen Lendman: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Stephen_Lendman/Federal_Reserve.html (The crux of the matter)


If the Canadian girl 12 year old Victoria Grant has come to understand the Traps of the banks and she can explain it brilliantly to others in a way simple and easily understood by everyone in the next VIDEO, also you can understand it without problem.


VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bPRWnposPc this explanation is equally applicable to any other country.


As well explains in the VIDEO Victoria Grant and also explained excellently inside the FEDERAL RESERVE link, the BILDERBERG can MAKE in "legal" way all the money that they wish via FEDERAL RESERVE, then I think you might ask, Why BILDERBERG want more money if already have much more than anyone could want?


The answer is simple. The BILDERBERG people want to collect of the planet all the money in CASH as possible for them, in this way generate more DEBT through global collections apparently to good causes, such as that concerns us right now ebola, etc. It also charges through PUBLIC DEBT and its impossible interest to pay. Thus go little to little and in different ways coining in the BILDERBERG coffers, the most money in CASH of the planet. In this way they not only get to go ruining the families, also will weaken to governments around the world, with an even greater detriment to citizens for who should pay taxes. BILDERBERG to perform in this way their ROADMAP his diabolical NEW WORLD ORDER (NOW), SUBMISSION and his CONQUEST will be faster and easier especially for those countries that do not accept right now the BILDERBERG NEW WORLD ORDER.


As well say Victoria Grant in the VIDEO, we should not be discouraged thinking that only a few people with good intentions like us, we can not do nothing to change the world, indeed a few bad people (75 mindless BILDERBERG) have succeeded, then, What not will get change if we unite all good people with good intentions in the world? We will get everything that aim were in the blink of an eye.


At the bottom of this article, you will find links to several associations of Internet entitled "Recommended places for its commendable DIGNITY, to adequately inform with The TRUTH", This people work and put all their good intentions in creating a just and true society. You can participate and join them from anywhere you live. FORCE and LET´S GO!!!


THE 9 BILDERBERG FAMILIES: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2Flas9familias.html&edit-text




These photography´s men (elements) are just some of the 75 most important sickly members fixed that composing the Club BILDERBERG. The ethics and The RIGHT indicates to the good people with empathy and good intentions, that we must to spread massively and report these individuals to the International society to know them publicly, to expose his plot New World Order is doing so much damage to the citizens of all countries of the World.


THE FEDERAL RESERVE (The crux of the matter) and the FALSE FLAGS




                     VIDEO: http://youtu.be/KX1QIzwA8k0




                     VIDEO: http://youtu.be/EJ--x4409cA




       VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUA0S-BLUZ0





In honour to the TRUTH, I believe that some information is good and right to understand some things about EBOLA.







* CUBA , EL GRANO EN EL CULO DE LOS BILDERBERG http://www.iadcro.com/ cuba ebola .html1- CUBA, IS THE GRAIN IN THE BILDERBERG ASS: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2Fcubaebola.html&edit-text


2- Do you have heard about FORT DETRICK? What is FORT DETRICK? DIRECT RELATION BETWEEN  BILDERBERG HIS PUPPETS WITH THE ÉBOLA: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Factualidad.rt.com%2Factualidad%2Fview%2F136298-centro-investigacion-biologica-eeuu-fort-detrick-brote-ebola&edit-text -- In Spanish: http://cenic.jimdo.com/armas/ebola-arma-de-eeuu SHAME !!!


* LAS 5 GRANDES MENTIRAS SOBRE EL ÉBOLA http://www.iadcro.com/ 5mentirasebola .html3-* PREVENCIÓN CONTAGIO DEL ÉBOLA EBOLA PREVENTION: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2Fprevencionebola.html&edit-text


* El GENOCIDO que está realizando ISRAEL a PALESTINA pueden seguirlo en la parte inferior de esta página .4- OBAMA is the most important International PUPPET available by the Club BILDERBERG fixed members: http://www.fiapbt.net/king.html


 https://legnalenja.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/389158_347986165280431_78580303_n1.jpg?w=376&h=376 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 JAQUEMATE INGLES



The closest to the ISRAEL LEADERS, are many of the most important Club BILDERBERG fixed members (the ROTHSCHILD, the ROCKEFELLER, the MOSÉS, etc.), which HANDLED to his interest and benefit to his PUPPET without CONSCIENCE like are; OBAMA (USA), MERKEL (Germany), CAMERON (UK), HOLLANDE (FRANCE), RAJOY (SPAIN), etc., etc. The BILDERBERG subtly pull the strings of their PUPPETS from his different institutions, which in turn created to help them to get their evil, unjust and unworthy purposes against humanity, the mother nature and the planet itself. Some of these institutions are for example; The UN, NATO, WHO, the CIA, the FBI, the EU, INTERPOL, UNESCO, IMF, World Bank and its "branches" as the European Central Bank (ECB), National Banks, etc. 


The cruel GENOCIDE that are doing the FALSE JEWS Israel leaders (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG) against the PALESTINE citizens and to the citizens around the world doing believe them that this is a CRISIS when in fact it is their global SWINDLE, also with the FEDERAL RESERVE, with the FALSE FLAGS and with his NEW WORLD ORDER, etc., all this is the CRUX of the International MATTER, and you can see it below of the next link: http://www.iadcro.com/EASYANDQUICKUNDERSTANDING.html --  http://www.iadcro.com/STOPBILDERBERG.html -- http://www.iadcro.com/Jesuschrist.html


The majority of the most important and influential Club Bilderberg fixed members are Jews (Israel), bankers, businessmen and tycoons of the energy industry (petroleum, gas, coal, etc.), which under tricks and subtly, they will give everything that need to the leaders of the Israel government, which is very much, to rob the expense of what it takes the little Palestinian territory that still have not have been robbed. The leaders of the Israeli government endorsed and supported by the Club BILDERBERG people not will stop destroying Palestinian cities, will continue killing under false pretenses, without scruples and without discrimination to children, adolescents, pregnant women, elderly, everything that moves under its point focus and will not stop until take out or kill one or otherwise under FALSE FLAGS Palestinian citizens, to thereby obtain the Palestine land to continue building ILLEGALLY COLONIES JEWISH and secondly, to gain exclusivity of RELIGIOUS TOURISM IN LAND OF JERUSALEN AND PALESTINE, which generates BILLION EUROS. The countries that show support for the Palestinians will be taken in mind everything, to difficult it for its free trade, etc., just like that, just because not agree with the GENOCIDE that are doing BILDERBERG along with the Israel leaders. Those countries that go for justice, honesty, FREEDOM and TRUTH, ie by going into the CORRECT way and persist in supporting to Palestine, despite the enormous difficulties and disadvantages to be found in part of BILDERBERG, the leaders of Israel and its PUPPETS, those countries will be branded like enemies and terrorists, will be directly targeted by BILDERBERG to annihilate them, to loot their natural resources and take subtly the country concerned, and later be SUBMITTED and under government of native people of the invaded country yes, but these people are not elected undemocratically no, are people who are placed by BILDERBERG to ensure OBEDIENCE and loyalty to his tyranny masked. And the facts I refer, there are many examples, the most recent we have in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, etc.


The BILDERBERG PUPPETS like Obama, Rajoy, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel, etc. that governing many countries, them be doing blind eye on what interests them. They do not want to see such as the cruel and bloody destruction that Israel is holding to the Palestine civilians and yet, them support with everything needed (with money from his citizens, of course), looting and killings perform daily obedient countries and run by BILDERBERG (especially USA, UK, Germany, Canada, France, all other EU puppets countries, etc.), only natural goods possess many poor countries, where this kind of wealth only have millions and millions of people to can eat and survive, people from countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. Since the media controlled by BILDERBERG (all major media Newspapers, TV, Radio, etc.), justify these lootings in the public opinion with FALSE FLAGS, such as the fight against terrorism among others, when in fact the TERRORISTS are themselves for to sow the TERROR, the DESTRUCTION and the DEATH among civilians in the invaded sovereign country, to plunder wonderfully cruel and unfair way of the few riches they possess, especially petroleum, gas, coal, etc.


                          mandela-arafat_zps4a95174a[1] ARAFAT and MANDELA.


The leaders of many countries, instead of condemning and to help in REAL way, like should in all those that they could be possible to stop this excessive human slaughter, they are in silent because in fact they are the BILDERBERG accomplices in the shade, they are the BILDERBERG PUPPETS, which consenting, which allow, those who help and those that are doing the human slaughter. SHAME !!!


Many people representatives of the "church" backed by the politicians say you;

"You should help your neighbor when he is in distress and need." The "church" of many countries and their governments “state”, doing the blind eye on what interests them. They do not want to see such as the cruel and murderous extermination that the FALSE JEWS Israel leaders (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG) are carrying out with the Palestinian civilians and yet they are supporting everything it takes to do the looting that are doing all days perform countries led by BILDERBERG (especially USA, UK, Germany, Canada, France, all other puppets EU countries, etc.) in the natural resources that have many poor countries, with this kind of wealth is the only thing that have millions and millions of people in order to can survive, people from countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. From the mass media that are controlled by BILDERBERG (all major media TV, Radio, etc.). Justifying these countries´ looting to face to public opinion with false flags such like the fight against terrorism among others, when in fact the terrorists are themselves, to sow the TERROR, the DESTRUCTION and the DEATH among civilians for to loot very well the country invaded in cruel and unfair way, especially to loot the oil and gas.

Representatives of the "church" and the power of the "state" instead of condemning and help so REAL as they should, in all that they possibly could to stop this human slaughter, silent mouths, in fact they are the BILDERBERG accomplices in the shade, they are the BILDERBERG PUPPETS, who consent, who allow, who help in the human slaughter consented.


Since here report to you, that the Club BILDERBERG most important members are FALSE JEWS (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI). With the information that is collected here, some people could began to understand many issues that were incomprehensible to them so far, such as; Who are really the TERRORIST; Or why the Club BILDERBERG members want to develop their plan New World Order (NWO), so in this way, they will be able to create for their benefit a only one World Government; Or why of the impossibility of a peace agreement between the countries of Israel and Palestine. The FALSE JEWS (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG) neither wants nor wishes peace with Palestine, because wish to have a justification with false flag of fighting "Palestinian terrorism", thus able to completely exterminate Palestine and appropriate fully of the few National Palestine places that the FALSE JEWS Israel leaders (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG) even have not stolen them, with the PATHETIC and IRRATIONAL complacency of the politicians who run other countries, which, in order to retain their great status and privileges granted by BILDERBERG, without scruples or ethics like puppets dancing to the tune of BILDERBERG.


The GENOCIDE that are doing ISRAEL to PALESTINE you can follow it below of this page: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2FEBOLAXPETROLEO.html&edit-text  GENOCIDE PICTURES: https://www.google.es/search?q=israel+massacre+to+the+palestinian+civilians&hl=es&rlz=1T4GGHP_esES584ES584&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Ezc-VLHrLInnaM3TgNgI&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=1280&bih=575 SHAME !!!


ISRAEL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY: The Palestinian GENOCIDE: http://beawarebechange.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/israel-crimes-against-humanity-genocide.html


Professor Noam Chomsky (Jew): “It is Not a War. It is Murder”! The GENOCIDE of Palestinians by Zionist Israel!:



STOP the PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE: https://www.facebook.com/StopPalestinianGenocide



1393724_777513638972450_5090263697706142791_n[1] 32295_483817344974231_108539109_n[1]


                                                                   PALESTINE HISTORY

SWEDEN becomes first EU country to recognize the PALESTINE State like a SOVEREIGN COUNTRY. CONGRATULATIONS SWEDEN!!! http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/10/30/Sweden-recognises-Palestinian-state-Foreign-Ministry.html




* POPULARES FRASES BILDERBERG :5- POPULAR PHRASES BILDERBERG: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2Ffrasesbilderberg.html&edit-texthttp://www.iadcro.com/ frasesbilderberg .html


* żCÓMO SE ORGANIZAN DENTRO DEL CLUB BILDERBERG ? http://www.iadcro.com/ organizacioncb .html6- HOW TO ORGANIZE WITHIN THE BILDERBERG CLUB? http://www.iadcro.com/organizationcb.html  SHAME !!!


* LOS7- THE BILDERBERG , LOS PROPIETARIOS DE LA RESERVA FEDERAL (El quid de la cuestión) http://www.luisprada.com/Protected/ la_reserva_federal .htm BILDERBERG, OWNERS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE. The BIGGER SWINDLE THAT HAVE BEEN MADE ALONG TO THE HUMANITY HISTORY. THE FEDERAL RESERVE. By Stephen Lendman: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Stephen_Lendman/Federal_Reserve.html (The crux of the matter) SHAME !!!


* Los PRESTAMOS TRAMPA8- The LOANS TRAP de la RESERVA FEDERAL , Banco Mundial , FMI , BCE , etc. , pueden seguirlo en la parte inferior de esta página . the FEDERAL RESERVE, World Bank, FMI, BCE, etc. you can follow it below of this page: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2FEBOLAXPETROLEO.html&edit-text


9- Club BILDERBERG: http://www.iadcro.com/cclubbilderberg.html


* Las FALSAS BANDERAS10- THE BILDERBERG FALSE FLAGS Y MEDIAS VERDADES AND HALF TRUTHS THROUGH THE USA PRESIDENT: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2Ffalseflags.html&edit-text SHAME !!!


11- Hollywood director AARON RUSSO confesses everything about BILDERBERG in VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V6LxmWzLJQ 


@ Los 7 más poderosos de los poderosos del mundo en VIDEO .... LOS VERDADEROS TERRORISTAS : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7iwrVD9SOw12- The 7 most powerful of the powerful of the world in VIDEO… THE TRUE TERRORISTS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7iwrVD9SOw 


@ Los Estadounidenses honrados y personas de bien después de ver con atención dentro del siguiente VIDEO , como el ejército americano ASESINA CRUELMENTE13- The honest and decent USA people after to see intently into the following VIDEO, like the US Army CRUELLY KILLER y a sangre fría and with COLD BLOOD a personas civiles y heridos INDEFENSOS , incluso también a los dos nińos que van dentro de la furgoneta sin ninguna clase de SENTIMIENTOS , żPensaran que OBAMA y el resto de autoridades y representantes without any kind of FEELINGS to civilians and wounded HELPLESS, including also the two children that go into the van; The USA PEOPLE, they will think that OBAMA and his other authorities and representatives de su país, realmente poseen el ESPIRITU AMERICANO que cualquier ciudadano de bien debería de poseer? of his country, really have the AMERICAN SPIRIT that any good citizen should possess? żQué pensaran? VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha8tviXbV48 ˇˇˇVERGÜENZA!!! What they will think about? VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha8tviXbV48 SHAME !!!


- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 INGLES GANDHI & LUTTER


For these and many other reasons, to recover the SOCIAL WELFARE STOLEN is required NEEDED and URGENTLY by a SOCIAL SYSTEM CHANGE ALREADY!!! http://www.iadcro.com/cclubbilderberg3.html 






Where is the DIGNITY of the person? When you lose your SOLIDARITY, your GOOD INTENT, your SINCERITY and your DIGNITY ... in that moment already you are NOBODY by so much wealth and influence that oneself possess.


After this, if we consider to us like good people and with a minimum of DIGNITY, I think we should make a deep inner reflection coming since the TRUTH and our CONSCIENCE, to procure contribute in positive way in based to the RIGHT to our families, our social environment and especially to ourself. In short, what is RIGHT you do it and what is not RIGHT you will not do it. It is very simple, we are not stupid how for not to know what is RIGHT and what is not RIGHT. If you want, you can do it!!!


I believe that everyone creates and runs their own destiny, based on their attitude and on the DECISIONS that is taking every day in their life. You decide!!!  Good Luck!!!

Mariano Peinado


      WAKE UP NOW!    YES WE CAN!    Y… żSI NOS LEVANTAMOS? And ... if we rise us?   TOGETHER WE CAN!




"If you do not doing assert your personal values ​​and your DIGNITY before anything else, then deservedly you are worthless.


Remorse of Conscience is what some police, politicians, bankers, big businessman, etc is which happens to them. and for that reason is why they are depressed, even some of them are being really bad moments because they are keeping in the WRONG side. Envision yourself FIREFIGHTERS than satisfied, happy and are pleased to have DIGNITY, because them help the needy and powerless citizens, the FIREFIGHTERS are on the RIGHT side. Will be the Karma? Surely ...


Everything is outside the RIGHT, is nonsense to justify the unjustifiable.


Those who remain neutral on what NOT RIGHT, they are on the NOT RIGHT side." (mp)


                       Copia (2) de - 00 00 00 00 VALUES



In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/271421886132/photos/a.451449941132.245086.271421886132/10152856136846133/?type=1&theater




The media among other things HIDE, that most American soldiers that die to go to "war"... do not die in combat; Them died by suicide!!! Since when these soldiers are reported and realize that they are not in a war, or that they are not fighting with terrorists, because they themselves are the terrorists by invading the SOVEREIGN COUNTRIES, many of them mentally upset because they do not assimilate this information and many soldiers end up committing suicide because their conscience does not support or hold the killings of innocent people that them have done. http://www.democracynow.org/2014/11/10/on_eve_of_veterans_day_a


In the next, you can see amazing speech in VIDEO with the TRUTH and the HEART in the hand by a U.S. Veteran War, MIKE PRYSNER, telling who is really
The TERRORISTS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRoLJ--tagw&feature=youtu.be

“Our real enemy is not the ones living in a distant land whose names or policies we don't understand; The real enemy is a system that wages war when it's profitable, the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it's profitable, the Insurance Companies who deny us Health care when it's profitable, the Banks who take away our homes when it's profitable. Our enemies are not several hundred thousands away. They are right here in front of us.” (Mike Prysner)





- 2 LETTERS very little known and very interesting from ALBERT EINSTEIN, talking about the PALESTINE GENOCIDE: http://www.iadcro.com/einsteinletterspalestine.html
In Facebook:

ALBERT EINSTEIN. PALESTINE; It's not a war, it is a GENOCIDE!!! The PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE is such a perverse reality, like the silent complicity of the governments and their media, which manipulate and hide the evidence. At present, the entire world is happening the same that PALESTINE and by guilt of THE SAME CORRUPT GENOCIDALS BILDERBERG, belonging to the Jewish Masonic sect called "B'Nai B'rit" . It is not a crisis ... It is their SWINDLE!!!

True, sometimes
the truth is hard and hurt a lot. If to speak with the truth is to be a spammer, then it is true, I am a PROUD spammer and very proudly I will remain so long as I live...

TRUE Veterans with word, dignity and honour, I think that them will give me the reason for the meaning of this message in his day. I have to say that I went for five years also a Veteran of the Spanish army 33 years ago, I know very well what I'm talking about. In those days the army veterans we were serving to our country, especially serving very PROUD in help to the citizens and the people needed. Unfortunately in nowadays it is the opposite, since to the members of the groups Homeland security of citizens, little to little them are TRAINING and CONVERTING in mercenaries and assassins in the service of politicians, bankers and big businessman, to which are disguising with uniforms of military, police, etc. and act against and in detriment of citizens and their safety, robbing them the PEACE, the FREEDOM, their HOMES, their LIFE and other belongings. SHAME!!! www.iadcro.com/mercenarios.html

Where is the personal
CONSCIENCE of each one in each social question? Where is the AMERICAN SPIRIT, or the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT of the VALUES ETHICAL and MORAL of the PERSON?

Where is the
DIGNITY of the person? When you lose your SOLIDARITY, your GOOD INTENT, your SINCERITY and your DIGNITY... in that moment already you are NOBODY by so much wealth and influence that oneself possess.

In honour to the truth and the right, I think we should not close our eyes to allow evil and injustice BE NORMALIZE within the society in which we live. We need to WAKE UP, my friends, right now are happening very
CRUEL and UNFAIR issues against all the citizens...

CHANGE is here. The CHANGE is in your hands. If you want to CHANGE the world in a positive way, CHANGE yourself first and you will have got to win THE TOOL that you need to get it. In short, what is RIGHT do it and what not do not do it, it's very simple, we are not dumb to not know what is RIGHT and what is not. I believe that everyone create and runs their own destiny, based on their attitude and on the DECISIONS that is taking every day in their life. You decide!!! Force!!! I think that all your life you will remember this like the best decision you made in your life. If you want, you will can!!! Good luck.

Mariano Peinado
Spanish professional military of the earth Army between 1981 and 1985, with the graduation of Cape 1st Artillery.
P.S. For more diverse information that you need, you can acquire in: FIAPBT FORUM:

90 year old Fort Lauderdale man Arnold Abbott made national headlines this week after he was cited twice for feeding the homeless!!! Is INCREDIBLE. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! https://www.facebook.com/usauncut/photos/a.190167221017767.44131.186219261412563/860820077285808/?type=1&theater


                              - 00 COMIDA SHAME!!!


            1796483_844718968884221_6712284360044246768_n[1] SHAME!!!



Copia de DSC04405

MIKE Prysner along with a child victim of USA TERRORISTS: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=479875172108789&set=a.109500235812953.16931.100002589311567&type=3&theater


The media among other things HIDE, that most American soldiers that die to go to "war" ... do not die in combat; Them died by suicide!!! Since when these soldiers are reported and realize that they are not in a war, or that they are not fighting with terrorists, because they themselves are the terrorists by invading the sovereign countries, many of them mentally upset because they do not assimilate this information and many soldiers end up committing suicide because their conscience does not support or hold the killings of innocent people that them have done.


WHAT THE U.S. ARMY BEGINS TO CONSIDER AFTER THE EVIDENCE: http://www.democracynow.org/2008/3/17/winter_soldier_us_vets_active_duty


In the next, you can see amazing speech in VIDEO with the TRUTH and the HEART in the hand by a U.S. Veteran War, MIKE PRYSNER, telling who is really The TERRORISTS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRoLJ--tagw&feature=youtu.be

“Our real enemy is not the ones living in a distant land whose names or policies we don't understand; The real enemy is a system that wages war when it's profitable, the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it's profitable, the Insurance Companies who deny us Health care when it's profitable, the Banks who take away our homes when it's profitable. Our enemies are not several hundred thousands away. They are right here in front of us.” (Mike Prysner)


                              SOLDIER MANNING

The soldier BRADLEY MANNING despite being UNJUSTLY imprisoned, thanks to his COURAGE, HONESTY, SOLIDARITY and for to walk in the direction of the CORRECT and the TRUTH, he is very much FREE that many people who are out of prison. Manning is a HERO of PEACE and FREEDOM. THANKS SOLDIER!!!


"Do you want FREEDOM? Only through the TRUTH, you will get it. You decide!!!" (m.p.)


"A true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of LOVE. Love to the humanity, love to the justice and to the TRUTH." (Che Guevara)


"La política de EE.UU. está diseńada para que aumente el terror" (Noam Chomsky) http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/view/101385-chomsky-snowden-eeuu-terrorismo-extradicion- "USA policy is designed to increase the TERROR" (Noam Chomsky) http://www.mediaite.com/tv/noam-chomsky-obama-is-running-biggest-terrorist-operation-that-exists Those who generate the TERROR, really are the TERRORIST.


- Words of KENNETH O'KEEFE, a former officer of the US Navy: "The Islamic State is a monster, a Frankenstein created by us": https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alertadigital.com%2F2014%2F09%2F16%2Fun-exoficial-de-ee-uu-ei-estado-islamico-es-un-monstruo-un-frankenstein-creado-por-nosotros&edit-text -- https://progresismohumano.wordpress.com/2014/10/19/usa-and-israel-created-funded-and-trained-to-isil-cheating-the-planet-2


- 23 Uncomfortable TRUTHS About the TERRORIST GROUP called the Islamic State (ISIS): https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fblogs.publico.es%2Fpuntoyseguido%2F2177%2F23-verdades-incomodas-sobre-el-estado-islamico&edit-text


- Every day that goes are many more citizens of the world who know that the DANGER is not in the people of Islamic religion or Muslims no, rather already they know that the DANGER is and coming from the BILDERBERG, their partners, their collaborators, their PUPPETS, their HITMEN and their MERCENARIES, like is the TERRORIST GROUP Islamic State (IS) that BILDERBERG created, formed and finance. VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcKWIK5pQt0



          “There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.”



The next VIDEO will help you to understand easy and quickly the very negative situation national and international that we live in nowadays.

If you have the patience to see all content of this extraordinary VIDEO, you will understand in a simple and easy way because the bad current international situation regarding economic, social, political, religious, etc. and who and for what reason some people have done it and what other people have allowed it.
I think this and any other place are adequate to spread this kind of information, which is beneficial for 98% of the citizens, since how many more people know this information, sooner will end the UNJUST and CRUEL GLOBAL CRISIS (Swindle)

VIDEO: http://youtu.be/4taTIVArn2o  If for some reason you could not view this video, you can try to see it in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEV5AFFcZ-s 


"Awakening the CONSCIENCE since Awareness with LOVE and TRUTH." (m.p.)

Before to START an effective and true SOCIAL REVOLUTION, I believe that first must exist an effective, true and individual REVOLUTION WITHIN in each one, inside the heart and mind of every citizen.” (m.p.)

Are you LEGITIMATED? THE UNIVERSAL PERSON VALUES: http://www.fiapbt.net/areyouentitled.html


@ The GREATEST SWINDLE EVER MADE ALONG THE HUMANITY HISTORY. THE FEDERAL RESERVE. By Stephen Lendman: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Stephen_Lendman/Federal_Reserve.html


If the Canadian girl 12 year old Victoria Grant has come to understand the Traps of the banks and she can explain it brilliantly to others in a way simple and easily understood by everyone in the next VIDEO, also you can understand it without problem.


VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bPRWnposPc this explanation is equally applicable to any other country.

The politicians always are telling us that the crisis go to better, soon we will go back the same place before the crisis and the welfare situation would return to be well again, etc, but of course all it will be thus long as if they continue ruling the country… with YOUR VOTE!!! lol. Is the same BILDERBERG tale, is the same tale in all countries. Well, in all countries less in Uruguay with its great and humble president José Mujica, also will have its flaws as a human being, but it is quite another thing. ATTITUDE!!!
Mujica is a great example of humility, honesty and good intention, an example to follow not only by his politicians peers, but also is an example to follow by the normal people, Cops, Judges, Employers, Masons, Housewives, Army soldiers, Bankers, Carpenters, you and me, etc. An example to follow for all the people with good INTENTION and good CONSCIENCE.

A few important words to the BILDERBERG PUPPETS; Obama, Cameron, Merkel, Hollande, Rand Paul, Rajoy, Lagarde, Yong Kim, Hillary Clinton, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, etc., etc. A few important words to all them: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,...

Within the National and International panorama unfortunate that we live in nowadays, Do you think that is really due to a Crisis like tell us the politicians and bankers, or really is a subtle Swindle to the citizens? www.fiapbt.net/king.html


Friends, PEACE please...

J. W. wrote:

I.e. Race is only used by those seeking to divide us... and distract us from the real issues.

You are very right J. W., you know very well that you are talking about, Great!!!

You're right, but not only are doing it with the issue of racism BILDERBERG and his PUPPETS to divide us. Also within society through their media (TV, Radio, etc.) get bring FEAR into the minds of the citizens and many others stupid issues that we are confronted with each other and thus they keep us distracted quarreling between us with stupid issues, meanwhile they subtly and so UNJUST and CRUEL steal, kill, smuggle secretly weapons, women, drugs and bodies of children, pharmaceutical medicines, looting the natural resources of poor countries and murdering its civilians through FALSE FLAGS, evicting homes to thousands and thousands of USA families, etc., etc.

We should not fight between us with stupid issues, it's what they want that we are doing, so not be able to reason in matters of importance. I think that we are people smart enough to understand what is happening and we are able to say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!


THE FEDERAL RESERVE (The crux of the matter) http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Stephen_Lendman/Federal_Reserve.html


The FALSE FLAGS https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2Ffalseflags.html&edit-text=



"monbornze" wrote:

5000 Americans killed in the USA by police since 9/11…

Interesting article that also includes the murder of Brown: http://www.lewrockwell.com/2014/08/paul-craig-roberts/5000-americans-killed-by-cops-since-911/


All the bad paths lead to the same evil and enormous evil path, the BILDERBERG path. Everything is related to everything. Through bad policies and bad media, BILDERBERG makes every effort to FACE the citizens among themselves and that they are entertained in their confrontation, in this way that the citizens do not think or not take CONSCIOUSNESS about what are doing with them the BILDERBERG people. In this way BILDERBERG can developing very well their evil and cruel plan the NEW WORLD ORDER. The tactic or trick of BILDERBERG, is easy to understand …


Then, we must TO ASK OURSELVES HONESTLY the following Poll question: USA are helping to the USA citizens and the citizens of other countries?



Pólice or Cops, the Army soldiers, etc. are the tools of the CORRUPT Politicians and the CORRUPT Politicians are the tools of the Club BILDERBERG people who want to rule all the world with his NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO) and maybe soon will can get it.




The States by the Obama way, the stupid PUPPET most important Club BILDERBERG, is NOT helping any country, what he is doing is LOOTING the poor countries of its natural resources like Oil, Gas, coal, etc. To LOOT these sovereign countries makes it through INVASION with FALSE FLAGS like the fight against terrorism, when in fact the TERRORIST is who done the country´s INVASION to SOW TERROR and the DEATH between of the invaded country citizens. Do you notice the difference? Do you not see this subject? OPEN YOUR EYES AND WAKE UP!!!


USA Army Veteran War MIKE PRYSNER (And many more USA Veteran are talking about it in the same way) is publicly denouncing in video WHO ARE REALLY THE TERRORISTS in the world. VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRoLJ--tagw&feature=youtu.be


KRISTEN MEGHAN is a dissident USA Army, which is publicly denouncing the TRUTH about the MASS MURDERS against citizens by guilt of CHEMTRAILS in a VIDEO in a conference the January 18, 2014. VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvyIXw1-yuA&feature=youtu.be - http://www.iadcro.com/chemtrails2.html  


At the same time, the States by the Obama way, the stupid PUPPET most important Club BILDERBERG, is doing the same thing in his own country than the countries that he LOOTS by the BILDERBERG order and we are seeing it every day from inside and outside of the States. In the States every day are evicting thousands and thousands homes with FULL FAMILIES!!! In this moment they are killing to the families by different ways, they are inducing to the families suicide, they are inducing to the families to steal, they are inducing to the families to the wrongdoing, they are inducing to the families to the crime in general, because they are inducing to the families by the way NOT RIGHT, the BILDERBERG way. In this moment, they are stealing to the families their privacy and freedom, stealing to the families all their life, etc.


After they tell us that we live in FREEDOM? WHAT KIND OF FREEDOM? THIS IS NOT FREEDOM. WE LIVE IN AN UNJUST, CRUEL AND BLOODY DICTATORSHIP, this is the sad TRUTH... SOWING the TERROR and the DEATH between States citizens in MANY WAYS!!! Do you notice the difference? Do you not see this subject? OPEN YOUR EYES AND WAKE UP!!!


My friends, yourself can do your own research, you will find various information about it, but if you will GUIDE you by your own INTUITION and your own CONSCIENCE, then you will find soon all the answers to your questions on this and other issues, it is not difficult ...


Me in your place, I would not believe in the data and everything that inform to you the media, is only my opinion and my recomendation with good intention to you. The owners of the media are the BILDERBERG people and his friends, which since the media HANDLED minds of citizens through FEAR and LIES to their interest, they are LYING us every day. The media are the TOOLS for brainwashing of society that have the CORRUPT, ALWAYS at the expense of The TRUTH and the citizens FREEDOM.


The 10 Strategies of Media Manipulation by Noam Chomsky: http://theinternationalcoalition.blogspot.com.es/2011/07/noam-chomsky-top-10-media-manipulation_08.html 


ALL what you need to know, must be through INTERNET!!!


Recommended places for its commendable DIGNITY, to adequately inform with The TRUTH:

http://www.facebook.com/TheOther98 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Anonymous-ART-of-Revolution/362231420471759 http://www.facebook.com/davidicke?rf=106116009418649 http://www.facebook.com/LeftAction http://www.facebook.com/usauncut http://www.facebook.com/democracynow http://www.facebook.com/occupymonsanto http://www.facebook.com/americanpeace http://www.facebook.com/OccupyTogether?sk=wall http://www.facebook.com/OccupyWallSt?sk=wall http://www.facebook.com/pages/Occupy-Earth/279628222055096 


I love the States my friends, probably since well before you were born… OPEN YOUR EYES AND HEARTS!!! http://www.fiapbt.net/2013..html


In honour to the truth and the right, I think we should not close our eyes to allow evil and injustice BE NORMALIZE within the society in which we live.

Mariano Peinado

P.S. For more diverse information that you need, you can acquire in:



-  The cruel GENOCIDE that are doing the FALSE JEWS Israel leaders (ZIONIST AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG) against the PALESTINE citizens and to the citizens around the world doing believe them that this is a CRISIS when in fact it is their global SWINDLE, also with the FEDERAL RESERVE, with the FALSE FLAGS and with his NEW WORLD ORDER, etc., all this is the CRUX of the International MATTER, and you can see it below of the next link: http://www.iadcro.com/EASYANDQUICKUNDERSTANDING.html --  http://www.iadcro.com/STOPBILDERBERG.html -- http://www.iadcro.com/Jesuschrist.html


- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 INGLES ANONYMOUS - copia


      THE FEDERAL RESERVE (The crux of the matter) and the FALSE FLAGS


-  NICAEA COUNCIL I, the last days of the bigest SWINDLE in all the history of mankind: http://www.iadcro.com/nicaea.html -- http://www.iadcro.com/nicea.html